I’ve Got My Toes In The Water…

Hi everyone! I hope you had a great weekend, and if your like me, I hope you had a great Monday holiday!

My day started out with another Daily Burn workout (Cardio Sports Drill), and an upper body workout (I will be posting it Friday!!). I then quickly showered and Olivia and I met my sister in Los Gatos to head for Santa Cruz! It was over 70 degrees at the beach…absolutely amazing! It was Olivia’s first time and she loved it. I had so much fun! Having a baby makes everything that much better!
DSCF0923DSCF0929DSCF0938We spent most of the afternoon at the beach and then headed home. I had about 5 loads of laundry waiting for me…I swear its never ending! I also started half of my grocery shopping with a trip to target. How does my list of 8 things turn into this!?! Oh…Target, you always win.  I usually do my grocery shopping on Sundays but since I have Tuesday off (in lieu of the Monday holiday) I am taking it easy and will finish up my shopping today. TargetWell thats it for today. I had a pretty low-key weekend and Monday. I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday! See ya tomorrow with a peak into a day of my life =)

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Good afternoon folks!
IMG_0298Hope your Valentine’s Day is off to a great start. We don’t really celebrate too much…normally we would eat a ton of candy and junk but since were doing the DietBet challenge were trying to stay healthy, so just the usual is on the agenda for today!

Yesterday was filled with lots of excitement and running around. I completed a few workouts in the morning, Daily Burn’s DB15 MMA & Metabolic Maximizer. It was a total of 45min. I like the variety with the Daily Burn workouts, but some of them feature really cheesy trainers, and I feel like they chat too much. I would rather a 30min workout be reduced to 20min of actual working out…rather than listen to some random person chat. Just my own opinion =) I do however love the workouts, I am definitely sore!
IMG_0278After my workout it was time to get ready for Olivia’s first swimming lesson!! It was SO MUCH FUN! The first lesson was just getting the babies acquainted to the water, they all ranged between 3-6 months old. It was so cute to see the reactions on all their faces. They loved it!
IMG_0294We ran a few more errands since I had a contact fitting at 1pm in the same area. We grabbed lunch a Chioplte (salad with pinto beans, fajita vegetables, pico, corn salsa, and guac).
IMG_0297IMG_0299Then it was off to my eye appointment. I have worn glasses all my life (since 4 years old). In high school I wore contact and then I go Lasik when I was 19 and again when I was 20 (for a touch up). Unfortunately it didn’t last and I am finding my vision to be fading more and more everyday. The last 2 years I have been wearing glasses, but I finally decided to transition back to contacts. I had a fitting when I was pregnant, but apparently due to hormones (during pregnancy and breastfeeding) it can make your eyes a little funny…dryer, vision changes, etc… I was fitted with a different contact and so far so good! It was so nice working out and seeing things clearly (i.e. the clock, my reflection in the mirror)! Haha…what a difference! I am hoping they work ok at work, sitting at a computer for 10+ hours is the true test!

After our errands, the rest of our day wasn’t too exciting. Ate some snacks, string cheese, raw nut mix, carrot sticks & hummus…and another coffee :/ IMG_0312IMG_0310After stuffing my face, I started some chores and then we went out to eat with some friends. I didn’t take any pictures but I had a salad with grilled chicken and a few glasses of wine =)

Hope your having a great Valentine’s Day! Talk to ya tomorrow!

The Never-ending Chores

Hello everyone!

I was finally successful at taking pictures of my day yesterday!
We started off our morning by fueling and stretching.IMG_0077
Then we were off for a 3.5mi run around the neighborhood. Going uphill with a stroller and dog is no joke! It was so beautiful out, we had a stormy weekend, but yesterday was clear and sunny. IMG_0088IMG_0086After we returned, we stopped at McDonalds for a diet coke (I am addicted and they are only a $1.09. One day I’ll quit the fountain again) and headed home.IMG_0091(yes my diet coke deserves a picture)

I rounded off my morning workout with two rounds each of Sea Shells and Sit Ups’ Rumps & Stumps and Tums & Guns month challenge.

Monday’s are usually my day to finish up chores before I head into work on Tuesday. I finished up our laundry while dancing with Olivia and watching Nashville.

IMG_0158After that I took Olivia’s 6 month pictures (how is she already half a year?!?) and ate a quick lunch.
IMG_0160IMG_0131IMG_0154Lunch consisted of 1/2c Trader Joes lite chicken salad, a hard boiled egg, two hard boiled egg whites, a tablespoon of mayo and some celery. I also ate 1/4c of raw mixed nuts (not pictured).
IMG_0162After Olivia’s nap I went through a pile of swim suits (she starts swimming lessons this Friday). None of them fit!! She is pretty long, so a one piece is out of the question. I headed to Target and got the cutest swim suit! It will make its debut on Friday =).

I hope your Monday was great! The rest of my day included dinner, a 15min kickboxing and 20min Pilates workout from Daily Burn and bedtime. It is crazy how the day flys by with a baby!!


IMG_0063 Have you ever had that moment; your following a diet and things are going great. Your officially 3 full days in. Then you receive an invitation for brunch at your spouses coworker’s house. You get there and there are cheese eggs, pancakes, and bacon. Yummmm. Okay, you can’t be rude, you have one pancake, one slice of bacon, and a small serving of eggs. Its fine, it’s just one small meal that has appropriate portions. It’s fine. You’ll continue the day as normal and go back to eating healthy foods.

IMG_0067 Well unfortunately I did the opposite. We get home and I start preparing my husband’s lunches for the week which includes Trader Joes’s guilt free potato chips. I eat about 3 servings worth. I feel the guilt. I then decide I want frozen yogurt. I get frozen yogurt with a ridiculous amount of toppings. At the end of the day I feel sick from the sugar, and disappointed from my 3 day streak.

IMG_0069 I remind myself tomorrow is a new day. I put a quote on Instagram and reach out to my tone it up team members. I am so thankful to have them. I am new, so I don’t really know any of them, but I still feel so much support.

Moving forward with this blog I will be posting every piece of food that goes into my mouth and the workouts I complete. I have 3 weeks left with the Diet Bet, and want to detox off the sugar addiction I have! In addition to food and exercise other life happenings will be present. How could I not include my babies?!?
IMG_0039I’m looking forward to a new beginning, toning up, and reach some new goals. Thanks for joining me on the adventure!




It’s Sunday. Usually the dreaded last day of the weekend, but I’m lucky and I stay at home on Mondays with Olivia so I love Sunday’s! ☺️ I am still not use to this blogging thing and I didn’t take any pictures of my day yesterday lol one day it will be the norm. Since yesterday wasn’t all that excited anyways I thought it would be a good opportunity to tell you more about me!
I have my B.S. in Recreation and Leisure Services from Cal State East Bay and my M.A. in Special Education from Santa Clara University. While finishing up grad school I quickly realized teaching was not for me. Once I finished student teaching and graduated I began looking for jobs in recreation and eventually I was lucky enough to find a job as a Recreation Coordinator.

Graduation party!

I met my husband Patrick in May, 2010 when I was 24 years old. We met through our friends. My friends boyfriend at the time played hockey with Patrick. We met and it was love 😉 we moved in together in April 2012, got engaged in October 2012 (same day the Giants won the World Series!!!) bought a house in June 2013, and then got married the next week on June 23rd, 2013! We had an amazing honeymoon on a 8 day Southern Caribbean cruise.

In the beginning =)

That following December I got pregnant with our first baby. August 9th, 2014 Olivia Rose Findley. She is the cutest, smartest baby 😉 Currently I am working3 days a week and I stay home with Olivia 2 days a week.
IMG_0033And to end the night, here’s a random survey I stole from PBFingers, enjoy!

1. In baseball each player gets a “walk up song” that plays on his way up to the plate. What song would you pick?
Love Shack! I love this song, and it drives all of my friends and family crazy.

2. What’s the best thing that happened to you last weekend?
My baby girl giggled for the first time and I caught it on video =)

3. If you could have a starring role in any film already made, which movie would you pick?
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

4. What actor/actress would you have play you in a movie of your life?
Hmmm Kate Hudson, not because we are alike but I think she is so cute!

5. What is your favorite quote?
Don’t sweat the small stuff-this has gotten me through every life obstacle!

6. What was your first concert?
Christina Aguilera and TLC

7. What Internet website do you visit the most?

8. Which of Snow White’s 7 dwarfs describes you the best and why?
Happy! Im happy most of the time, I would also hate to ever describe myself as grumpy!

9. If you were on death row, what would your last meal be?
Ice Cream. Specifically mint chocolate chip, whip cream, and M&Ms

10. What is the background of your computer?
This isn’t the background of my computer, but the background on my phone is my favorite picture of Patrick and Oliva. ❤

11) What is your favorite cartoon character and why?
Tweety Bird because it reminds my husband of Olivia…which now reminds me of her =)

Happy Saturday!

Wooohooo for Saturday!!!

How are you all doing? I hope well =) Today is a rainy day here in Morgan Hill, but I can’t complain. It’s sad but this weather = “storm watch 2015” on our local news haha
IMG_0043I started my morning with 15min on the elliptical and a body pump class. It was HARD! I haven’t taken it since I was pregnant with Olivia, and the entire time today I was thinking how the hell did I do this when I was 8 months pregnant??? Needless to say I am looking forward to going back every Saturday to get my butt kicked!!

So back to yesterday, Olivia had her 6 month checkup (which included shots). She is growing big! She weights 14.3lb and 2ft 2.25in. She is in the 16.13 percentile for weight and 69.27 percentile for height! She has always been a skinny tall baby, my husband is 6’5. Everything else seems on point with her. We are also reducing her Zantac (she has silent reflux) so I am excited for her to grow out of that.
IMG_0018IMG_0017IMG_0013After her appointment we headed home and her grandma stopped by (my mother in law) and I went to the gym for a little bit. I already ran earlier that morning, but I figured I should take advantage of the babysitting. I did the elliptical for about 35min while watching the Bachelor and called it a day. Then on my way home I stopped at Peet’s Coffee for a iced decaf sugar free nonfat vanilla latter.. It was delicious.
IMG_0006IMG_0029Once I got home I did some more laundry, finished the bachelor and cruised the internet until Patrick got home. We ate dinner (leftover tacos for him and an egg while omelette for me), and played with Olivia. Once we put her sown we did a Daily Burn workout (Pilates Flow Phase 2) and it was tough!! I really enjoyed it though.

Well that was my Friday night! Ha. Things are going to be low key around here today. We are meeting my sister and brother in law for lunch, running a few errands, doing some chores around the house and meal planning for tomorrow’s grocery shopping trip.

Hope you have a wonderful day! Talk to you tomorrow!

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday everyone!!!

I especially love Fridays because I get to stay at home with Olivia! Except today is her 6 month checkup which includes shots :/ but she’s usually a champ!

Anywho, I wanted to share with you some Friday favorites!


Body Pump
Body PumpIm going to Body Pump tomorrow and I cannot wait! I did it 3 times a week while I was pregnant and I truly feel this made my recovery so easy! Excited to get back into it one day a week!

A Beautiful Sunrise
sunriseThis was my morning view at work yesterday! Makes waking up at 5 a little easier!

A Nice Run
This morning I went on a run with Olivia and Lola. We were able to get in 2.7 miles before the storm comes in later this afternoon. Perfect running weather! I also tried out the Map My Run for the first time, (the Nike Run app doesn’t work for me, always pauses workout) and I am happy to report this one worked great!

Tone It Up
I am a TIU member and I just love it! The love and support that comes from the team and the two trainers, Karena and Katrina, is outstanding. Check them out!

Well I gotta run and get Olivia up for her appointment. Have a great day!!

Working Out At Home

Hello! Hope everyone is off to a great start this morning!

Finding time and motivation to work out can be difficult. Throwing a baby into the mix can make it nearly impossible. Here are some tips and my go to workouts to keep things consistent and get/keep a toned lean body!

•Schedule in a workout! I am lucky, Olivia sleeps through the night (has been since about 2.5 months old). She also naps long enough for me to squeeze in a workout.

When she was waking up later (8am) I would wake up at 6:30am on days I was off and workout before she woke up. Now that she is waking up around 7am, I workout during her nap. Normally I can rely on at least a 45min nap, which is just long enough for me to fit in a great workout! I’m not always able to shower right away, but at least my workout is done! 😉 I am also lucky that I have a wonderful husband that understands my need for time to workout. On the weekends I will go to the gym in the morning and he will take care of Olivia while I am away. A typical week’s workouts will look like this:

-Sunday (off work): Gym-usually 30min elliptical, 30min hiit treadmill
-Monday (at home with Olivia): T25 and a Nike Training Club workout-LOVE both of these!
-Tuesday (at work): 30min elliptical, 30min some type of strength/stretch.
-Wednesday (at work): 30min elliptical, 30min some type of strength/stretch.
-Thursday (at work): 30min elliptical, 30min some type of strength/stretch.
-Friday (at home with Olivia): T25 and a Nike Training Club workout
-Saturday (off work): Gym-elliptical and Body Pump

I am lucky at work I get an hour lunch break (instead of 30min) if we workout. We have an elliptical and an area to do whatever else we want. Since there is no extra equipment and I don’t want to get too sweaty (no shower either) I take it easy for 30min on the elliptical while watching a show on my IPhone and then I do some other workout from a YouTube video, printouts, etc…

Workouts I live by:

•T25-Sean T is awesome. 25min workouts are perfect, I love this! I personally wouldn’t be interested in following the plan, I like to change my workouts too much, but this is perfect to get in cardio at home!

•Nike Training Club-This app is great! I usually pick the 15min “Get Focused” and do it after a T-25. Some of my favorites include: Cardio Killer, Better Butt, Leaner Legs, Butt Buster, and Cardio Burst. They all require little to no equipment.

•Jogging-We have a BOB stroller, I love it! This is a good option because I can take Lola on a run as well. Olivia loves being outside, so its a perfect option when we want to get out! I will usually go on a 45min jog around our neighborhood.

Daily Burn-I haven’t done any of these workouts yet (I plan to do my first today), but this is also another cheap option to do at home or on the go.

•Internet-You can find all sorts of workouts by a quick Google search! PBFingers, Fitnessista, ToneItUp all offer workouts for the gym and at home!

Well there you have it! All of my go to workouts. Hopefully you can take some of my tips and implement your own schedule. My number one piece of advice, schedule your workouts by the week or month and it will make your workouts a no-brainer!

Happy sweating!



Welcome to my blog! My name is Cassie and I am a 28 year old wife and mom. I am currently a recreation coordinator, studying to get my personal training certification through NASM. I decided to start this blog because I have been stocking the fabulous pbfingers, fitnessista, and sweettoothsweetlife for years and thought it was time to get in on the fun! Here are some fun facts about me =)
IMG_1999My husband Patrick and I have been married for a year and 7 months.
IMG_4652My baby Olivia is 5 1/2 months old and she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Everyday I see a change. She has brought so much joy and love to our lives!
DSCF0855My first pup baby, Lola, is 3 years old. (I still get chocked up about the lack of attention she gets now that Olivia is here). She is a very active terrier mix that is obsessed with food.
IMG_2407I am a fitness enthusiast (as long as the fitness part is less than an hour long)!
SAM_0209My goals for this blog include to create a place to post about my daily activities with a focus on fitness and toning after baby! Goals do not include great photography, proper grammar, or to always make sense ;).

Thanks for stopping by!
