Weekend Recap

Good morning! Hopefully your off to a great start to your week!
This weekend was a great one! We had a weekend full of family, desserts, and some great workouts! Friday night we went to our uncle’s 60th surprise birthday party, and I had a few bites of this amazing dessert.

sugar coma!

Sunday Olivia let us sleep in until 7:45 (45min longer than normal)! It was nice to get some extra sleep in! After we fed her, we went to Anderson Dam and did some hiking and Lola swam a bit. It was quite the workout with the stroller!IMG_0148IMG_0129


IMG_0131When we returned I did a 30 min Daily Burn Black Fire workout (I am on day 2 of the 60 day program). I really likes these workouts, none of them are longer than about 35min, but they are intense! After the workout I quickly showered and headed to Target, Trader Joes, and Safeway to pick up some essentials for the week. Meal prep was completed, and I conquered about 4 loads of laundry. Its always nice to get everything ready ahead of time for the week, I always find there is never enough time during the week to make lunches or breakfasts, so it is nice to have everything ready ahead of time.

On the agenda today is another Black Fire workout, a walk with the pup, and maybe a stop at Hobby Lobby to pick up a few things for the house.

Hope you guys have a great day!

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